Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Food for everyone

Today everyone is behind money to secure themselves financially. People are busy in accumulating gold, property, money especially in India. Contrary to that the value of money is depreciating day by day. This means the essential food commodity like Dhal which was sold at 50 Rs per kilo few months back, is sold at 90 Rs. today, it is not surprising if it reaches 150 Rs in the next few years. One side money is losing its value, other side farmers are selling their land and moving to urban areas. So there is less produce of commodities. Our honorable finance minister once said inflation is rising because steel and cement prices are soaring in the global market. And then government took a decision of reducing the taxes on these commodities. But still the inflation didn't come down. This is because inflation doesn't just depend on steel or cement but also on the volume of crops we grow. We need to concentrate more on agriculture, grow more crops and meet our domestic demand first. And then we can think of exporting to other countries.

Have we ever thought about a situation where all of us have 1 crore in hand after few years and then what happens? So everyone is able to afford everything, then who will farm and cultivate? Definetely, there will be fight for food and whosoever is physically fit can fight and gain food. Others will die of hunger though have would be having crores of rupees in their pocket. In other terms we can call it as survival of the fittest! Then I wonder why do we go after money when it is losing its value? It is creating a sense of insecurity within us rather than creating security. Every insurance/financial company brings out new policies, pension plans etc., saying if you invest X amount today, at the end of retirement you will reap X + Y amount. Yes, this may be true. But my question is when there is shortage of food what do I do with the money.

Now how do we mitigate this situation and ensure our next generation will not face this problem. In my opinion government should come out with a policy which says "Every Indian mandatorily need to own 2 acres of land for his family. He has to grow food grains as per his family needs like rice, dhal and vegetables and not depend on government or others". This may sound very generic but this will definetely work, since agriculture has/is been the main occupation of India since ages. Now we have ignored hence more problems. If a person is working somewhere and unable to cultivate he can lease it out to someone and share the output. If we implement this, primarily we will not have food problem. So at least our survival, life is guaranteed which is very important. Beyond that we can think of money, house etc., which is secondary. Tomorrow if we face a scenario as i mentioned above, at least we will have food to feed our family.

Now, you may ask me how can everyone buy 2 acres of land where there are lot of poor people who can't afford. This is left to the government as to how will they plan for this. People who can't buy now can be given land on a credit basis and government can collect the interest on a monthly basis. As I said before this is just a thought that crossed my mind of course there is huge planning necessary to implement this.

Finally, objective should be very clear - food for everyone!

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